Sunday, 30 October 2011

Less fat, fewer calories

Excess fat intake leads to a surplus of fat in our body. Just abandon the fat is certainly not worth it, because they are in a certain amount (25-30% of the diet) are needed by the body. Let's find out what products will help us to reduce the intake of fat and calories and achieve the ideal forms.
Desserts, including ice cream and contain a significant amount of fat, but tasty frozen fruit juice - no. Therefore it is better to give preference to the frozen juice, not a favorite ice cream. At the very least, choose ice milk, which contains far fewer calories than butter.
Vegetable oil used as a condiment for salads, also adds some body fat. Reduce their content can be with lemon juice. Prepare a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio, add the bit passed through the press garlic and pepper. Other low-calorie salad you will be low-fat yogurt, soy sauce and cider vinegar.
Breading of flour or crumbs used quite often by many housewives. However, this is not the most calorie foods and to replace them much more useful "analogs." For example, combine sesame seeds, pepper and any herbs that will show you suitable for this dish. So much breading, tasty, flavorful and healthy (except for ready-seasoning).
Of course, sandwiches - a great way to stave off hunger when full of food on hand there. But instead of them to "bite" can be used much more useful and low-calorie foods such as frozen vegetables or seafood. Let a few packages with them lie in your freezer: whenever you want something quick to eat, you can cook them for 5 minutes.
Love the products contain large amounts of fiber, which prevents the absorption of fat and normalizes cholesterol levels. In a fair amount of fiber you find in the bran, the ordinary and cauliflower, fruits, legumes, mushrooms.
Reduces the absorption of fats and consumption of dairy products, so nutritionists strongly recommend drinking milk to people who want to keep slim figure. However, the use of milk promotes assimilation of cholesterol, so you should not drink milk at the same time with the use of meat dishes.
But green tea is not only prevents the absorption of fat, but also stimulates their cleavage, which characterizes the green drink as a dietary. True, the abuse, they still are not worth it, because green tea activates the heart.
To never leave the body without the fat, make sure that on your desk appeared regularly fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, crude oil (especially olive oil), avocado oil, flax seed, nuts. All of these products contain the "right" fats necessary for our health and well absorbed.  


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